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Coronavirus Killer: 8-year-old inventor addresses President Trump and All leaders of the world

Coronavirus Killer: 8-year-old inventor addresses President Trump and All leaders of the world

June 07
00:00 2020

Putting the safety of everyone on his mind, the talented young inventor from Pleasanton, California, introduces his device that kills the coronavirus.

The 8-year-old inventor of a device that kills Coronavirus ‘Rimond Aleinikov’ issues a rallying call to President Trump and world leaders. The genius inventor is calling on everyone in the world to take a positive approach to tackle the coronavirus that is killing people in thousands.

In this letter, Rimond Aleinikov summons the United States president and his counterparts throughout the world and explains how he can assist millions of people to stay alive through his device.

The inventor is ready to cooperate with developed nations like the USA, China, and Russia to share the knowledge on how to produce the device. It’s an obvious fact that wearing masks can only prevent the spread of coronavirus from a sick person and no vaccines that can kill the virus in the person, or such a medicine is yet to be discovered, but with this device, there is a powerful tool that works perfectly against the virus.

Unlike masks and vaccines that are useless in killing the virus, this device is effective in killing the virus even when a patient is yet to be diagnosed with it.

Rimond Aleinikov is seeking help and cooperation for quick production and distribution of the device. To support this cause or know more about the device, please visit www.geniusagainstcovid.com

The Provisional Patent Application has been filed with USPTO. While speaking about patent rights, Rimond’s father ‘Andrei Aleinikov’ said, “There’s no patent application yet for him separately because of legalities – he is too young — but he is an inventor with up to 10 ideas per day!!! To know more about me, you can visit the site of Marquis Who’sWho www.andreialeinikov.com

Contact Detail:

Contact Person: Andrei Aleinikov (father)
Email: aleini13@outlook.com
Phone No: 1-831-297-0886
City: Pleasanton
State: California
Country: United States
Website Url: www.geniusagainstcovid.com

Source : https://kjnewswire.com/5993/coronavirus-killer-8-year-old-inventor-addresses-president-trump-and-all-leaders-world

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